On the 1st December 2020 the well-known and respected Diagnostic and Treatment Centre (DATC) changed its name to Milford Integrated Care Hub (MIC Hub) to reflect its changing role. Its focus is on admission avoidance, supporting the outpatient antimicrobial team, O.P.A.T, to deliver intravenous antibiotics at home, and supporting the clinical pathways discharge aims. Specialist clinics (MS, Parkinson’s, Podiatry) are also held in the MICH when Covid restrictions allow.
The old Cedar Ward is being transformed into an ambulatory unit where a geriatrician will assess patients with the ambition of keeping them at home rather than admitting them to an acute hospital. Those patients needing to be admitted can ‘step up’ into community inpatient beds.
Referrals will continue via the Community Coordination Centre using the generic Adult Community Health Services form. The new phone number for the MIC Hub is 01483 956428 and the direct email for correspondence of patients under care of the Hub will be .